This is our Refund Policy, where we provide you detailed information about how you can gain a refund. As always, we are welcome to emails and questions if you would like more information regarding anything mentioned on this page; you may contact us via our Contact Us page and we shall reply within a couple days.
There are many alternatives we offer in replace of a refund. We may offer to ship you a replacement product for any damaged items.
We have a 50 day refund policy which allows you to send us a replacement request within 50 days of your purchase.
How can I ask for a refund?
You can request a refund by going to our Refund Request form and filling in the details required. As a proof of purchase, we require photographic evidence so be sure prepare some images in advance showcasing the product.
What makes me eligible for a refund?
You are eligible for a refund only if:
- Your product arrived faulty/broken
- Your product has not arrived
- You received the wrong product
- You have received the wrong quantity
You are not eligible for a refund if:
- You are dissatisfied or have changed your mind about the purchase
- If you send a request beyond the 50 day policy
If you feel that you are entitled to a refund for a reason not mentioned above, you may still send a request to us and we will try our best to help you resolve the issue.
What alternatives are there to a refund?
We are able to ship a replacement product at no extra cost if the product you ordered arrived faulty or broken. If it happens to be out of stock, you may be offered to choose a different item at similar or equal price to the one you originally ordered.